Something old. The Stardust on death row. The number of windows remaining decreased throughout the week. By Friday you could look straight through and see Boulder Station from one direction, and the Wynn from the other. Implosion is exected some time in March.
Something new. Just one of the many ways Harrah’s continues to downgrade Caesars Palace. If it’s so bad it’s good, like hanging huge pictures of David Hasslehoff doing jazz hands from the fake Arc de Triomphe, I can appreciate it. However this is just skin-crawlingly tasteless.
Something broken. When keno channels go bad.
Something green. This is what $500 in "casino credit" looks like. Oh look, it’s Celine Dion again.
Something tall. The Stratosphere from a random angle, but I kinda like this shot. "Home to the world’s highest roller-coaster", boasts the video they play you as the BMI plane touches down. Not for a couple of years it’s not been… it’s basically just one big commercial for Dollar car rental anyway, but – as you’d expect – it’s already horribly out of date.
Something dark. Westward Ho is just rubble now but it looks like the sign is waiting to be taken to the Neon Museum.
Something handsome. Best carpet in town, at the soon-to-be Planet Hollywood. Let’s hope they’ve changed enough to actually get rid of
the jinx this time.
Turns out the rumours were true – Cher is on her way to Caesars Palace. It’s almost official! Word has already made it to the local Las Vegas news channels and you can expect the Harrah’s marketing machine to start bringing the hype pretty soon.Soon C
In the “something new” photo the person shown is Jerry Seinfeld and not the ‘Hof.
Yes, but at the time there was indeed a giant picture of The ‘Hof hanging from the Arc de Triomph replica outside Paris Las Vegas.
FWIW the three pictures outside Caesars are now Seinfeld, Bette Midler and Cher.