
March 2025
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Another one bites the ‘dust

It was obvious the Stardust’s days were numbered a few years ago, when they were making a big deal out of its 45th anniversary.  It was never going to make it to the big five-oh.  As another legendary Las Vegas hotel shuts its doors today, I feel like I should be writing a little bit about what I remember about the place.

Unfortunately, that is very little.  The fact I have a players card (below) doesn’t necessarily mean I played there.  I have a whole bunch of players cards from all kinds of casinos I’ve been to just once.  And why not?  I vaguely remember some cashback promotion at the Stardust for cycling your money through video poker that they never actually coughed the rebate on, and I’m pretty sure that was the only time we’d been there until this summer. 

In August the end was very much in sight, although nobody quite knew when.  Today’s closing is ahead of schedule, because most of the staff have already moved on to new jobs and there was little point in keeping it open.  The gift shop sold merchandise bearing the dates 1958-2006, although it was still such tat that all all I ended up buying was an energy drink.  We just stayed long enough to win two silver strikes, both the same one as usual.

We never got to see Wayne Newton there or make a bet in the daddy of all sportsbooks.  Which, for people like me who missed the first fourty years of the Stardust, are pretty much the only things I can really say I know about it.  Oh, and it still did look pretty cool at night.  I do hope they leave the lights on until it finally falls over.

The Stardust will be be imploded to make way for Echelon Place, due to open in 2010.

Continue reading Another one bites the ‘dust

Vegas by the sea

The similarities between Las Vegas and Blackpool are much stronger than I first thought. Let’s look at the evidence…

Continue reading Vegas by the sea

Caption Competition?

So I know I’m a bit slow with this one, because whilst Sky+ is diligently taping tonight’s NFL games for me, I’m still watching last week’s Monday Night Football from the DVD I made to watch on the train.  Once I’m actually used to travelling at 7am I’ll probably be able to watch things, but I’m not sure whether that will be before the football season is over or not.

Anyway, I was actually not paying much attention whilst I was playing a fixed limit Hold’em tournament on Empire Poker that I’d started by accident (but actually ended up finishing 20th from over 1300) and ordering myself a new cellphone all at the same time.  But somehow I was drawn to this caption which flashed up for all of about half a second.


I’m not sure what information the caption guy hadn’t been bothered to type yet, but the game was effectively over so he could well have gone home early leaving someone else to fill in the gaps.  Jacksonville were kneeling on the 1 yard line to run out the clock giving a final score of PIT 0 – 9 JAX.  Apparently the first time a Monday Night Football game had ever seen a single figure total score, and only the 5th time in history a defending championship team had failed to score at all.

I know I really wasn’t paying much attention so why do these really quite useless facts stick with me even now?

Is this the most undesirable building in London?


Little things that amuse…

As if the word (?) spork wasn’t funny enough… this gem is courtesy of Tesco.


Don’t be bringing small children into my casino…

… or I will make sure they can’t sleep tonight, says Harrah’s Entertainment.

How freaking scary is this thing, at the Rio’s Masquerade in the Sky show? You have to see the eyes move for the full horror, but it’s still pretty grotesque in this snapshot.


World’s largest…

World’s largest picture of Tony Braxton on the side of a building.

Heat getting to ya?

Where else in the world would this happen?

First let’s replicate some classic European architecture.

Then let’s use it as a giant advertising pole.

 The Venetian apparently has a new show…

Official Photos

These are the official event photos of yours truly from Wednesday. Strangely I’m more interested in getting a copy of one of these than I was for my graduation photo… 1 2 3 4 5 6